Seclusion and Restraint Practices in Residential Treatment Facilities for Children and Youth

Seclusion and Restraint Practices in Residential Treatment Facilities for Children and Youth

Published: Jan 30, 2012
Publisher: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, vol. 82, no. 1
Associated Project

Emerging Roles of Residential Treatment Centers in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services System

Time frame: 2007-2009

Prepared for:

Center for Health Care Strategies

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration


Jonathan D. Brown

Henry T. Ireys

Kamala Allen

Sheila A. Pires

Gary Blau

Using data from two national surveys, this article examines the extent to which residential treatment facilities consistently implement certain practices following incidents of seclusion or restraint. The study found that 76 percent of facilities reported having secluded or restrained youth in the previous year; 34 percent of these facilities reported that, following such incidents, they always debrief the youth, family, and staff; notify the attending physician; and record the incident in the treatment plan.

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