Small Area Estimation: New Developments and Directions for HHS Data

Small Area Estimation: New Developments and Directions for HHS Data

Published: Mar 31, 2014
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research

John L. Czajka

Amang Sukasih

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) undertook the planning of an expert panel meeting to bring together practitioners of small area estimates (SAE) to share their insights and jointly explore possibilities for improving their methods and outcomes. ASPE contracted with Mathematica Policy Research to (1) identify prospective panelists and other attendees and develop an agenda, (2) prepare background materials for the meeting participants, (3) facilitate the meeting and prepare a summary of the panel discussion, and (4) synthesize the background materials and the panel discussion into a final report. The broadly written objective of the project was to assist agencies within HHS and the broader federal statistical community in making more effective use of SAE to address data gaps for small geographic areas and populations. This final report represents the culmination of the project.

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